The artwork for your Premium Retractable Banner is really easy to set up and our step by step process will help you below.

Please note

To give you the best quality, professional retractable banner layout we recommend that you supply your design in a (861mm x 2060mm) size format. Printers cannot print to the edge of a banner, to achieve this we must print larger (861mm x 2060mm) and then cut down to the actual banner size (841mm x 2000mm). This will allow for a bleed area of 10mm all round and give you great quality professional looking artwork!

Your finished print area will be will be 841mm x 2000mm  (50mm of bleed for base insertion, 10mm trimmed of top, left and right)

Make sure any vital print information - text etc is at least 10mm away from any of the edges 

PDF Recommended

CMYK Recommended

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